FIBRAX is a powdered food with a delicious orange flavor that, together with a balanced diet, contributes to:
- - Foster your good intestinal transit.
- - Foster your digestive processes.
- - Favor the balance of your hormones.
- - Keep your abdomen flat.
- - Avoid inflammation after each meal.
- - Thanks to its contribution of fiber, you could have very positive effects against anxiety to eat. If this is your case, remember to go to your trusted doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.
- - It has a delicious orange flavor that makes consuming it easy and pleasant.
- - Contains inulin that helps regulate intestinal transit.
- - It contains psyllium that contributes to that the stool is easier to evacuate.
- - The results begin to notice them from the first take.
- - Soya fiber
- - Inulin
- - Psyllium
- - Mix 2 tablespoons in 1 glass of hot or warm water.
- - It is important that you drink approximately 2.5 liters of water a day so that fiberx can act in your body.
- - To obtain all its benefits it is important that you eat properly and have good habits such as exercising and having a very good stress control.
How long does the bottle last?
Lasts about 15 days -
Do I necessarily have to drink water?
Yes. Water is the vehicle for toxins. Your intestine needs about 0.5 liters of water to transport stool. -
How much water should I drink while eating fiberx?
The human being needs approximately 2 liters of water a day. In a DETOX process it is important that you increase your consumption to approximately 2.5 liters of water daily. -
Should the preparation water be hot or can I drink it cold?
It is important that it is hot or lukewarm water, otherwise you could experience the opposite effect. -
At what time is it ideal to consume it?
The ideal is to consume it in the morning when you activate your metabolism. Either before or after breakfast. But you can also consume it in your peak hours of anxiety, as it could help you control your anxiety to eat. -
Can it cause me constipation while taking it?
If you follow the instructions for use strictly NO. -
If I suffer from constipation, should I increase the daily dose?
If you have constipation, it is advisable to consume 2 tablespoons in 1 glass of hot water 2 times a day. That is, consume 4 tablespoons daily. -
If I don't suffer from constipation, should I take it?
If you are committed to your good intestinal health and aware of the importance of taking care of your digestion, YES. The intestine is considered by many experts as OUR SECOND BRAIN. It plays a leading role in our hormonal balance. And hormones control EVERYTHING in the body. -
Is it useful to lose weight?
In the intestine you can accumulate more kilos of waste than you imagine. When you evacuate your waste, you will notice your slimmer abdomen. And by contributing to your hormonal balance it will promote your weight loss. (Remember that weight loss depends on many factors, including a good diet, continuous exercise and mental health) -
Can it be consumed while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Yes. It is a 100% natural food that has no contraindications. On the contrary, it is recommended for pregnant or lactating women who experience digestive discomfort in these stages. -
They have no contraindications. It can be consumed by adults unless your doctor recommends otherwise. For children, consult your pediatrician.
Two tablespoons daily
Dissolve in warm or hot water
Lasts 15 days
Preferably in the morning
$49.99 Add to cart
$49.99 Add to cart
$49.99 Add to cart
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